This Year is Next Year’s Last Year by Christopher Sperandio - kuš!


An angry spirit searches for answers and purpose in Trumpworld. This Year is Next Year’s Last Year exorcises the tortured specters cycling through the contemporary psyche, countering corruption and death with defiant sarcasm. Mail-order magical objects and the rules of an ancient board game round out this treatise on inevitability.

Christopher Sperandio, born in Kingwood, West Virginia, has lived in Chicago, New York, Mexico City, Berlin, and Hong Kong. Sperandio maintains a daily drawing practice on Instagram @pinko_joe. Sperandio is a professor of art teaching comics and art at Rice University in Houston, Texas.

Specs: A5 (6" x 8"), 68 pages, full-color, perfect bound. Printed in Latvia on FSC certified paper. ISBN 978-9934-581-72-4

Language: English

Uno spirito arrabbiato cerca risposte e uno scopo nel mondo di Trump. This Year is Next Year’s Last Year esorcizza gli spettri tormentati che attraversano la psiche contemporanea, contrastando la corruzione e la morte con un sarcasmo provocatorio. Oggetti magici ordinati per posta e le regole di un antico gioco da tavolo completano questo trattato sull'inevitabilità.

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